LIFT / Hoists / Ergonomic Lifters

Gorbel G-Force - Q Capacities from 165 to 1320 lbs. Speeds up to 200 ft. per minute Can cover multiple work cells Rapid return on investment through increased productivity and reduced product damage Decreases risk of operator injury creating a safer work environment Higher environmental ratings (more tolerant to dust and liquid) Enhances job performance

Gorbel G Force - iQ Capacities from 165 to 1320 lbs. Speeds up to 200 ft. per minute Can cover multiple work cells Rapid return on investment through increased productivity and reduced product damage Decreases risk of operator injury creating a safer work environment Higher environmental ratings (more tolerant to dust and liquid) Enhances job performance

•Capacities: 165, 330, 660 •Spans from 6' to 14' •Height under hook of 6'-11' •Speeds up to 180 ft. per minute •660 - Lifting speeds up to 45 ft. per minute in high production environments •Cost effective turnkey solution •No special foundation required on 165 and 330 •660 - Easy, foundationless installation up to 9' 6" •Two pivot points make it easy to reach around obstacle or into machines •Unmatched precision •Float mode for exact positioning

Gorbel Under Hung Easy Arm Capacity: 165 lbs. Spans to 10' Speeds up to 150 ft. per minute Mount to a ceiling or manipulator platform Adequate overhead structure required to resist the forces imposed by the system Cost effective turnkey solution

This handle is a two-button infinitely variable control handle for use with our G-Force® and the Easy Arm™. It is an optional alternative to our standard G-Force® slide handle. The buttons of the G-Force® Pendant Control require less than one pound of force to depress, making it up to 70% easier than traditional pendants. This reduces the potential for fatigue and repetitive stress injuries of the hand and wrist.

The new Force Sensing Handles for Gorbel’s G-Force product line offer versatility in ergonomic lifting. Compared to standard slide handles, which use displacement of the handle to initiate upward or downward motion, the new design senses force applied without any handle motion. This creates a versatile option for tooling, or elongated handles that perfectly serve applications with a wide range of motion.

The in-line slide handle allows the operator to get close to the load for more control and precision. The remote mount slide handle offers the same smooth control as the slide handle, but accommodates set-ups where the operators can't be close to the load.