WELD / Consumables / Filler Metals
Filler metals. Always in stock.
Kristian Electric Ltd. is your one-stop-shop for all your welding needs. Our branches in Calgary, Edmonton and Saskatoon carry a wide selection of quality welding supplies from brands including Hobart Filler Metals. Our inventory includes a variety of solid and cored welding wire, welding rod, flux-cored wire, aluminum wire and much more, all of which are sourced from the best manufacturers to ensure the highest quality for your welding needs We understand the importance of having the right supplies for the job and strive to provide our customers with the best possible service and selection. If you’re looking for reliable welding supplies, Kristian Electric is your local independent welding supply!
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Flux-Cored Welding Wire - E71T-11 #H222106-R19.030" - 2 lb. spool #H222106-R22.030" - 10 lb. spool #H222106-RTP.030" - 2 lb. spool Twin Pack #H222108-R19.035" - 2 lb. spool #H222106-R20.030" - 5 lb. spool (8") #H222108-R20.035" - 5 lb. spool (8") #H222108-R22.035" - 10 lb. spool

Solid Welding Wire - ER 70S-6 Carbon Steel #H305401-R19.024" - 2 lb. spool #H305401-R22.024" - 10 lb. spool #H305406-R19.030" - 2 lb. spool #H305406-R22.030" - 10 lb. spool #H305406-R29.030" - 33 lb. spool #H305408-R19.035" - 2 lb. spool #H305408-R22.035" - 10 lb. spool #H305408-R29.035" - 33 lb. spool

Aluminum Welding Wire - ER4043 ER4043 is a general-purpose type aluminum welding wire. It contains silicon additives, which result in improved fluidity (wetting action) of the weld pool and also produces a weld less sensitive to cracking. Its bright weld finish makes it a popular choice of welders. It can be used to weld various grades of aluminum. #H381806-R18.030"" - 1 lb spool ER4043" #H381808-R18.035" - 1 lb spool ER4043

Aluminum Welding Wire - ER5356 ER5356 is a general-purpose type aluminum alloy, which is typically chosen for its relatively high shear strength. In addition, it also offers excellent corrosion resistance when exposed to salt water. ER5356 should be used for welding 5000 series aluminum base metals. #H383806-R18.030" - 1 lb spool ER5356 #H383808-R18.035 " - 1 lb spool ER5356

Stainless Steel Welding Wire - ER308L An extra low carbon wire for the welding of type 304L, 321 and 347 stainless steels. Provides excellent notch toughness at very low temperature, and deposit a maximum of .04% carbon in the weld metal to minimize the formation of chromium carbides and consequent susceptability to intergranular corrosion. #H522506-R19.030 - 2 lb spool ER308L

A premium cellulose stick electrode designed for the pipe welding industry, and the construction industry. It has low spatter and easy slag removal, with excellent operator control. Single or multiple pass, DCEP, all position. Construction and shipbuilding, general purpose fabrication, maintenance welding, pipe welding and vertical and overhead plate welding. 60,000 PSI tensile strength. #7708326010 3/32 inch - 5lb #7708336010 1/8 inch - 5lb

An all-purpose stick electrode for use in all positions on carbon and galvanized steel. 60,000 PSI tensile strength. #H112232-R016011 3/32 inch - 1 lb #7704566011 3/32 inch - 5 lb #7704586011 3/32 inch - 10 lb #H112244-R016011 1/8 inch - 1 lb #7704596011 1/8 inch - 5 lb #7704606011 1/8 inch - 10 lb #7704576011 1/8 inch - 25 lb #7704626011 5/32 - 5 lb #7704636011 5/32 - 10 lb #7704616011 5/32 - 25 lb #H112216-R016011 1/16 inch - 1 lb

#H117119-RDP6013 1/16 inch - Qty 38 #H117125-RDP6013 5/64 inch - Qty 23 #H117132-R016013 3/32 inch - 1 lb #7704666013 3/32 inch - 5 lb #7704676013 3/32 inch - 10 lb #H117144-R016013 1/8 inch - 1 lb #7704696013 1/8 inch - 5 lb #7704706013 1/8 inch - 10 lb #7704686013 1/8 inch - 25 lb #7704726013 5/32 inch - 5 lb #7704736013 5/32 inch - 10 lb #7704716013 5/32 inch - 25 lb

For high-deposition requirements, this stick electrode is ideal for applications requiring light penetration and faster travel speeds. 70,000 PSI tensile strength. It runs in all positions on AC or DCEN (straight) or DCEP (reverse) polarity. #H114216-R017014 1/16 inch - 1 lb #H114232-R017014 3/32 inch - 1 lb #H114244-R017014 1/8 inch - 1 lb #7704647014 1/8 inch - 5 lb #7704657014 1/8 inch - 10 lb #7704847014 5/32 inch - 5 lb #7704857014 5/32 inch - 10 lb

A low-hydrogen electrode for use in all positions on low, medium and high-carbon steels. 70,000 PSI tensile strength. #H119916-R017018 1/16 inch - 1 lb #H119944-R017018 1/8 inch - 1 lb #7704787018 1/8 inch - 5 lb #7704797018 1/8 inch - 10 lb #7704777018 1/8 inch - 25 lb #7704827018 3/32 inch - 5 lb #7704767018 3/32 inch - 10 lb #7704807018 5/32 inch - 5 lb #7704817018 5/32 inch - 10 lb

A low-hydrogen electrode for use in all positions on low, medium and high-carbons steels. 70,000 PSI tensile strength. Ideal for out of position welding and tacking. Runs on AC or DCEP (reverse) polarity. Specially formulated to operate with small 208/230 volt AC welders. #H119832-R017018AC 3/32 inch - 1 lb #H119844-R017018AC 1/8 inch - 1 lb #7704747018AC 1/8 inch - 5 lb #7704757018AC 1/8 inch - 10 lb

A low-hydrogen extra low moisture electrode for use as a high deposition rate iron powder electrode designed for DC reverse polarity or AC operation in all positions. It provides excellent operator appeal with a quiet arc, minimal spatter and good restrike capabilities. It offers good slag removal and an easily controlled weld puddle that allows outstanding ease when welding in either the vertical or overhead position. 70,000 PSI tensile strength. Container type is hermetically sealed metal can.

For cutting, beveling, or gouging of all metals and removal of weld joint overlays or other unwanted materials. All-position, AC/DC (electrode positive).

High-chromium carbide alloy steel electrode used for build-up on carbon, low-alloy or austenitic manganese metals. Excellent abrasion resistance, good impact and improved corrosion resistance. AC/DC (electrode positive preferred). For 1/2" to 3/4" base materials, preheat to 200°F and cool slowly. #H542144-RDP1/8 inch - Qty 4.

High-chromium manganese-alloy electrode used for buildup and overlay. Used for austenitic, carbon and low-alloy steel. Excellent impact resistance, good abrasion resistance and improved corrosion resistance. AC/DC (electrode positive preferred). For 1/2" to 3/4" base materials. Preheat to 200° F and cool slowly. #H544051-RDP1/8 inch - Qty 4

For repair in all positions of materials with 55% nickel cast iron. This electrode produces welds with higher strengths and ductility than the straight nickel electrodes. Deposits are machinable, but harder and more resistant to cracks and abrasion than high-nickel welds. AC/DC (electrode positive). Preheating is mandatory on cast iron. #H500631-RDP3/32 inch - Qty 10 #H500644-RDP1/8 inch - Qty 4

This high nickel content electrode is good for castings of light to medium weight. Welds are easily produced in all positions and the deposits are readily machined. AC/DC (electrode positive). Preheating is mandatory. Cool slowly in still air. #H500531-RDP3/32 inch - Qty 10

Aluminum welding for flat, horizontal and vertical applications. DC (electrode positive) only. #H722830-RDP3/32 inch - Qty 10 #H722844-RDP1/8 inch - Qty 10

For various grades of cast iron, this electrode provides an excellent, non-machinable base pass for subsequent nickel alloy repairs on contaminated cast iron. AC/DC (electrode positive preferred). #H990003-RDP1/8 inch - Qty 14

For 308 and 304 stainless base metal. Smooth, tough welds with the strength, corrosion and crack resistance needed for welding stainless steel in all positions. Easy slag removal. AC or DC electrode positive (reverse) polarity. #H481930-RDP3/32 inch - Qty 5

For hard-to-weld or dissimilar metals, stainless, high-carbon, cast, and high-nickel steels. All position, AC/DC (electrode positive), easy strike and re-strike, high moisture resistance, self-detaching slag. #H480630-RDP3/32 inch - Qty 5 #H480644-RDP1/8 inch - Qty 5

For molybdenum bearing stainless steels with 1.5 - 3.0% Mo. Primarily used for resistance to pitting, acids, and general corrosion. Maintenance quality smooth running electrode for welding most stainless steels. All position. Extra low carbon content to resist pitting. 80,000 PSI tensile strength. Material to be welded should be clean of all contaminants. Maintain a short arc and use stringer beads rather than a weave technique. #H482930-RDP3/32 inch - Qty 5

Mild Steel Electrodes Low Hydrogen Electrodes Low Hydrogen/Low Alloy Electrodes Stainless Steel Electrodes Nickel Alloy Electrodes Cast Iron Electrodes Hardfacing Electrodes

Nickel Wires Mild Steel Wires Low Alloy Wires Stainless Steel Wires

Hardfacing Wires Mild Steel Wires Stainless Steel Wires

Mild Steel Wires Stainless Steel Wires Cast Iron Wires

Mild Steel Rods Low Alloy Rods Stainless Steel Rods

Hardfacing Mild Steel Wires Low Alloy Wires Stainless Steel Wires Nickel Alloy Wires

Mild Steel/Low Alloy Fluxes Nickel-based Alloy Fluxes Nickel-based Alloys Hardfacing Fluxes Hardfacing Mild Steel Wires Low Alloy Wires Stainless Steel Wires Cladding Strip Stainless Steel Fluxes Cladding Fluxes